Friday, July 10, 2009

Digging on Sanchez and 17th

Crew will begin digging large pits on both sides of the intersections and installing the pipeline under the street between the two pits next week through August. Parking will be restricted 200 feet from the pits. At least one lane of traffic will remain open and sidewalk use will be limited to the opposite sides of the intersections.

19th between Noe & Sanchez and Sanchez between 18 and 19th

Crews continue to work on making service connections to businesses and residents through August. Final paving is schedule for early September.


We apologize for the inconvenience and disruption the night work has caused you.


  1. August. Now it's August. In June it was to the end of July. Seriously, how long? When can we get parking back to its normal mildly irritating as opposed to what's going on now, which is just bad. One semi-big event in Dolores Park and it's impossible to find a spot even on weekends. Please, please, please either work out something with the school on 17th or do street-sweep abatement. It's been since mid-April and it long ago got tiring.

  2. Given that we need to tunnel under the intersection and the massive equipment required on both sides of 17th, we again are trying to get access to the school parking lot for neighbors that are inconvenienced. We will know more later today. Look for update on this blog and door hangers.
